When The Puppy Is Finally Placing The Ball Or Stick In Its Mouth, It Would Be Rewarded.

The Options For Crucial Criteria For Compulsive Eating Disorder Treatment

Tell Him, Im Sorry, Ed But You And Me Is Over.

As each step is learned, the owner stops reinforcing the previous steps. This trains the puppy to perform the steps towards the final desired behavior one by one. When the puppy is finally placing the ball or stick in its mouth, it would be rewarded. That reward would stop when it was time to reward picking up the item and beginning to carry it back to the owner. Granted that we are not puppies, but heres a way to mentally reward yourself each time you make a positive move toward, say, stopping eating when youre full or satisfied. Your succession of rewards might go like this: step #1, when you think youre no longer hungry or the food youre eating doesnt taste quite as good as it did when you began eating it, give yourself praise. Step #2 might be putting down your utensils or the food and rewarding yourself with a cheer. Step #3 might be pushing away your plate or putting aside leftover food and again praising yourself. And Step #4 might be moving on to your next activity and giving yourself a high five in the mirror. The client who introduced me to SA, told me, Its how my eating disorder support mind worked when approaching normal eating, doing it one step at a time and slowly gaining confidence with the new skill.

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